The major impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on education

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education offers many smart possibilities to add more value to students, facilitating the teaching-learning process and improving the positioning of educational institutions.

Using AI related innovations can bring multiple advantages. Especially if we take into account that digital transformation is a reality and will determine how we will relate to each other in the coming years.

For this reason, the education sector is called for renewal.

And in that sense, technology will be your best ally to add value to your students, improve your Educational Marketing actions and keep your institute at the forefront.

Get details of this radical transformation!

AI can be associated with education

Right now you may be thinking that AI is only useful for large industries that have technology as their core business. The reality is that it is not.

What happens with AI in education, unlike those industries, is that it is just exploring its possibilities.

Far from being an innovation outside of educational institutions, AI has the power to profoundly transform education, as stated by UNESCO.

You will see, according to the organization, this disruptive innovation can reduce difficulties in accessing learning, automate management processes, and optimize teaching methods that improve learning outcomes.

In this way, implementing AI in education will make more people benefit from educational programs.

In addition, it will reduce teachers’ repetitive tasks and stimulate personalized training, while giving more importance to collaborative learning.

With these goals in mind, AI can meet traditional teaching challenges in the context of digital transformations driven by Industry 4.0.

The key benefits of AI for educational management / institute

Adapting to new technologies can become the great differential of your institute. This can improve your brand recognition and position it as a benchmark in this transformation.

However, implementing AI in education is a huge investment. Therefore, we will share with you some of the benefits of adopting this innovation. 

  • Stimulating personalized and collaborative learning

With the large volume of information that educational institutions capture about their students, it is essential to do a more efficient analysis of data to better understand their profile, capabilities, needs and interests. 

Therefore, AI-powered online learning systems can suggest study paths to your students to stimulate personalized learning or connect them to related study groups to support collaborative learning. 

  • Facilitating teaching

Currently, teachers’ time is becoming increasingly scarce due to the increase in repetitive tasks such as grading evaluations or reviewing school assignments.

One of the main advantages of implementing AI in education is the creation of algorithms that grade these questionnaires, leaving more time for teachers to research, create new teaching methodologies and individually serve their students.

  • Monitoring student performance

The algorithms of the educational platforms can identify patterns in student behavior.

We can cite as an example, the frequency with which they access advisory services, to interpret if a student is having difficulties in their educational training.

With the processing of this data, you will be able to obtain the necessary information to establish trends in its performance.

In fact, some AI software programs are already capable of evaluating the initial state of the student and making projections of their evolution or predicting how likely it is that a student will abandon their studies at a certain time.

This will allow you to implement corrective actions to design better teaching methodologies or create curricular meshes that favor more efficient learning.

  • Simplifying educational management

Performing the administrative tasks of your educational institution consumes many resources that AI could do faster, better and at a lower cost.

Some of the actions that could be entrusted to the AI are:

  • Delegate administrative coordination,
  • Support complex decisions with predictive analytics,
  • Help design better educational programs,
  • Answer administrative questions through chatbots, and
  • Assign daily tasks, such as monitoring and suggestion of schedules.

4 possible uses of AI in education

This all sounds great, right? But in concrete terms, what are the practical applications of AI in educational institutions? 

The universities located in the United Kingdom, United States of America and Europe are leading important innovations in the use of AI in education. We have listed some of the developments that are currently in use. 

  1. Creation of virtual tutors

Many educational institutions have created their own virtual tutors to facilitate teaching.

Virtual tutors can identify the most common mistakes students make and provide feedback more accurately and in real – time to help them improve their performance.

According to Stanford University, the use of virtual tutors will expand significantly in the next 15 years.

Thus, it is expected that in a short time the students will be able to use their virtual tutor, anytime, anywhere, to answer their questions and obtain 24-hour support.

  • Identification of new study topics

Teachers can lean on AI to design their study programs. For example, they can ask AI software to search for the most relevant and up-to-date content on the internet according to a pre-established theme.

In this way, the machine can automatically create courses, where the teacher will only have to touch up and verify that the information is correct. These algorithms are also capable of generating questions and exercises about the collected content.

One example related to machine learning is machine learning software used by UK Writing Help, an online writing guidance platform, through which the computer is made to learn through data.

  • Improvement in Educational Marketing actions

The educational marketing managers of your institution can adjust their attraction campaigns based on behavior profiles of current and potential students.

Through AI, performance rates can be determined to help identify prospects that are at risk of not accepting or not progressing through the sales funnel and planning strategic actions against these scenarios.

You can also identify students who are failing or dropping out of their studies to create better retention models through Content Marketing strategies.

  • Implementation of smart campuses 

The transition from online learning systems to virtual campuses constitutes a great leap in the digital transformation of educational institutions, as students will be able to study wherever and however they want to go beyond the classroom. 

With AI, the door is also opened for the creation of smart campuses thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT).

The idea is that students can interact with the smart objects on their physical campus to enhance their learning experience.

Author Bio

Prof. James D. has been serving the UK Writing Help, an online writing guidance platform, as an author since 2013. This article related to artificial intelligence in the education context written by him will help readers understand multiple advantages of innovation, especially if they will reflect on digital transformation, which will be strongly associated with education in the coming years.



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