4 Types of CSGO Smurf Accounts That Exist: Choose Your Weapon


In the world of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, there are a variety of ways to improve your game. You can buy hardware upgrades for your computer or you could try and get better at aiming with a mouse. But one method that doesn’t require any additional investment is by purchasing a CSGO smurf account from an online store. 

There are many different types of accounts available, so it can be hard to know which one will suit you best. We have created this blog post to help you decide which type of account is right for you!

1) The Basic Account – A basic account has all the features included in the game including competitive play, matchmaking and deathmatch modes. This type of accounts will offer access to the competitive game modes such as rank-dependent matchmaking, which is a queue that matches players of similar skill levels.

The downside with this account type is you will have limited access and fewer maps available for play. This can be frustrating if you are looking to get into some ranked games right away or want variety in your gameplay options. 

A basic CSGO smurf account would be ideal for beginners who just want general gameplay at an affordable price point. Basic accounts start from $0-$15 depending on what service provider you buy it through and the features offered by each company. Some companies offer a free trial period so that users can test out their services before committing long term (see below).

2) A prime account: This account type offers the most features and includes access to all maps, modes, regions (meaning you can play with players from other countries), ranks and premium community servers.

A prime matchmaking experience would be ideal for anyone who wants a wide variety of gameplay options available at any given time or just wants bragging rights that they are playing on an advanced level. 

Prime accounts start from $25-$100 depending on what service provider you buy it through and the features offered by each company. Some companies offer a free trial period so that users can test out their services before committing long term (see below).

3) Non-Prime Account: This account type offers limited features and includes access to the maps, modes, regions that you have pre-selected.

A non-prime matchmaking experience would be ideal for anyone who wants a more controlled environment where they can play within their rank range or against similarly skilled players; it is also great for beginners because of its simplicity. 

Non-Prime accounts start from $0-$20 depending on what service provider you buy it through. Some companies offer a free trial period so that users can test out their services before committing long term (see below).

Prime Matching:

  • Region locking – You will only be matched with other players in your region which prevents lagging issues. This feature is perfect if you are playing at high levels and

4) Non-prime but high trust factor account: This type of account is a high profile and will not be banned from competitive mode.

It offers the same benefits as a Prime Matching account, except that it doesn’t have region locking enabled by default. 

If you are looking to rank up fast or participate in online tournaments with people who are more skilled than your current skill level then this is perfect for you! This service starts at $0-$50 depending on which provider you buy them through. Some companies offer free trials so users can test out their services before committing long term (see below).

Non-prime but low trust factor account:

These accounts do not have any restrictions when playing in competitive mode because these accounts typically lack the necessary information required by Valve.

So explained here are 4 types of CSGO smurf accounts that exist.

This is what I mean by CSGO smurfs: Prime Matching accounts, Non-prime but low trust factor account and so on. So now you know as to how many types of CSGO smurfs exist! 

What do you think? Do comment below with your thoughts about it or share this post with someone who might be interested in knowing more about the different types of csgo smurf accounts that are out there! Thank You for reading my blog post 😉

Nowadays, people have become very conscious and cautious when they invest their money into something online. There’s always a chance that the company may not want to refund its users if ever the service provided does not live up to expectations. 


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