Pest Control on Their Way? What to do Before and After

Pest Control

How comforting to know someone can take care of all your troubles! And if it’s a nasty pest problem causing you sleepless nights, your pest control experts in the area will be heroes coming to your rescue. 

But have you thought about your responsibility in the scenario? It’s your home after all and you need to ensure that the problem doesn’t recur within weeks. Your actions beforehand and once the experts leave can make a marked difference in how you enjoy the results. 

So, depending on the pest control you need, here’s what you can do. 

5 Different Pest Control Services—How Should You Prepare for Each One?

Remember, pests differ so what keeps a cockroach at bay may not work for a termite. In addition, the information you provide the pest control team will help them make choices that will ensure optimal and safe outcomes. 

So, here’s your checklist for various pest scenarios. 


Cockroaches can be a tough pest to eradicate, and your post control team will take some drastic measures. Even though there are many innovative and nontoxic approaches, communicate any allergies in your family with your service provider. This will help them choose the safest fumigation option .Mice and other pests can be a nuisance and often, they can cause structural damage. Mice are pesky little creatures that can cause all sorts of mischief in the home. Fortunately, powerpest control for mice is an easy way to get rid of them–just make sure you clean up any spilled poison or bait!

Although cockroaches don’t necessarily breed in dirty houses only, some features on your premises may attract a new colony. For this reason, even before the pest experts arrive, remove food sources they could find interesting such as dustbins outside or dirty dishes. 

Some pest control methods rely on placing bait in certain places on your property. If you remove other attractive sources of food, you increase the chance of the cockroaches heading to the bait. 

Once the team leaves you must maintain an environment that these bugs won’t flourish in. You may have to change some of your habits. Throw out dustbins as soon as you can and don’t let food stand on counters overnight. 

Bed Bugs or Fleas

When the experts help you remove fleas and bed bugs you once again need to limit the chance of them returning again soon. This requires thorough cleaning of:

  • Your pets
  • Bedding
  • Furniture
  • Carpets

You can use hot water and flea products you find in store. Another option is to rather burn items like your pet’s bedding to make sure at least some of the problem is taken care of. 

You may need to do some cleaning before and after the team comes. Do it before so as many of the critters are killed by you and pest control’s actions. Even a few bugs could start a new pest issue, so rather do you part in eliminating some of them so long. 

Afterwards, give your home another clean so it doesn’t smell too clinical. 


Mice and rats have many reasons for moving into your home. They could be after the warmth of the air ducts, the food in your kitchen or the safety of your attic. 

Make it easy for pest control workers to reach all relevant spaces by removing obstacles. Also block any holes that could give another rodent access once the existing ones are gone. Check all the following:

  • Windows
  • Walls
  • Roof

You can even check all doors to make sure they seal well. These actions can help the pest control team administer their treatments, depending on the method they pick. 

Once they’re done you need to monitor the situation so you can ask for help at any new sign of rodents. Do you again hear a scurrying at night or see mouse droppings on your property? Rodents breed very quickly—in a matter of weeks—so the earlier you get a follow up visit the better. 


Ants often also require the use of bait. Here you must once again ensure that bait is the most attractive item for the ants on your entire property. 

This may take some preparation. You should place food items in airtight containers, so there are no smells that attract them to your kitchen cupboards. Also make sure there are no food spills you missed inside or outside. The juices from last weekend’s food on the grill could be their ideal dinner plan. 


Treatment for termites can take many forms. Is the problem inside your home or do you only suspect it in the garden?

Inside you can move furniture so they don’t touch the walls. This will make it easier for the team to move around. In extreme cases where they need to drill into the wall you may need to protect your belongings from the dust. You can see here why good communication with the service provider is essential. Understand their needs and processes so you can do what protects your assets and helps them in their tasks.

For outside you can cut back foliage and perhaps move your woodpile away from buildings. This will allow the team to see termite activity easier, such as where they made wood their home. 

You also need to keep those shrubs neat and far away from the building in future. Don’t let it be a highway from the garden into your home. And a wood pile should be removed or placed a considerable distance from the house for the same reason. 

Final Thoughts

The bad news: you can’t predict or control pests’ behaviour.

The good news: you can take back some control at least and minimise their impact on your life.

And now you can partner with your pest control team and enjoy the best possible results!

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