6 Tips To Boost Clickthrough Rate For Your Amazon Business

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Unravel the most amazing tips on how to increase the clickthrough rate and boost your Amazon sales. Keep reading and find out now!

If you are an Amazon retailer, then you would know the importance of launching an ad campaign. Not only does this reinforce your brand awareness, but it also brings significant improvements to your store’s performance.

But you can only achieve these two goals if your ads have a high clickthrough rate. So in our article today, let’s have a look at the top 6 tips that most Amazon marketing agencies utilize to boost this business metric.

What Is Click-Through Rate?

CTR – short for clickthrough rate – refers to the percentage of Internet users exposed to your ads and have decided to engage with them. Whether it is the banner of your Facebook ads or the call-to-action placed at the bottom of an email, click-through rate covers it all.

To calculate the clickthrough rate, you have to consider both the number of clickthroughs itself and the impressions. Dividing the former by the latter, then multiplying it by 100, you have the final result. For example, your ads are shown to 450 users, and 100 of them interact with the ads. In that case, your clickthrough rate is approximately 22.22%


CTR is considered a key factor when evaluating the efficiency of an ad campaign. A high CTR means you have reached the correct section of customers. What is more, you have managed to talk them into further action once they see your ads. Vice versa, if you do not have a suitable target audience and/or the content of your ads is weak, chances are the CTR of your campaign will be much lower.

6 Tips To Improve Clickthrough Rate For Your Amazon Business

1. Understand the customers

Having the right target audience plays a vital role in ensuring good click through rate. You have to consider all possible categories of a standard customer, including their age, gender, interests, hobbies, geographical location, email address, etc. 

From there, compare the information with your products and see which fits in, which odds out. For example, you cannot expect to sell a fishing rod for a 23-year-old female who likes reading and poetry.

2. Optimize the keywords

Keywords bidding can provide you an edge when it comes to ad placements. As it increases the frequency of your ads’ appearance, it can also raise the clickthrough rate. So what should you do with your ad’s keywords?


  • Pay attention to long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are particular ones like “skincare products for dry skin under $60” or “Panasonic air conditioner latest model.” While they do not necessarily belong to the highest-volume searches, they reflect the intentions of potential customers. Once such a phrase is typed in, Internet users are likely more than willing to make a purchase. So try to describe your products with as many detailed keywords as possible.
  • Use synonyms to avoid competition: If you are selling laptops, consider using “portable laptop,” “technical device,” or “[brand name] product.” While these keywords are not as in high demand as “laptop” alone, they are still relevant to your products and can draw more customers without the expense of fierce competition.
  • Utilize backend keywords: Some advertising platforms leave space for Amazon businesses to put in backend keywords for further consideration in ad placements. These keywords are not visible to your potential buyers, but they can help you get your ads displayed more frequently and to the right target audience. Therefore, you should type in anything related to your products like misspellings, brand names, different models of the products, etc.

3. Use A/B testing methods

A/B tests – or split tests – allow you to run two or more versions of a single ad simultaneously. This way, you can collect data regarding their clickthrough rates and decide which one is worth keeping in your ad campaign. There are several areas in which you can perform an A/B test, including:

  • Ad copy and visual.
  • Ad types.
  • Call-to-action.
  • The landing page.

4. Write engaging content

Content is long hailed as the king of marketing, as it attracts potential buyers the most. Subsequently, it makes sense that you invest in writing a compelling copy that strikes a chord with customers and persuades them to take action. Consider the following tips when you are about to write an ad.

  • Try to include what is viral at the moment: Customers like to keep themselves updated on all the trends. So take advantage of any hot event of the week, any groundbreaking news, and use them as “bait” in your content. 
  • Grab the attention: your ad is shown on the customer’s screen for only a few seconds before they keep scrolling, so a lengthy introduction is no good. Cut to the chase with a powerful title and get them hooked immediately.

5. Highlight the extra benefits

Nothing catches the attention of customers as effectively as what they can get once clicking on your ads. Anything from a free shipping code to an exclusive deal is guaranteed to pique their curiosity. All you have to do is to insert that piece of information somewhere central in your ad copy and the visual. 

6. Apply remarketing tactics

Remarketing is when you show your ad to people engaging with it in the past but made no purchase eventually. If your ads cannot convert the customers in the first place, give them another chance. This serves as a strong reminder of your brand and urges them to finally seal a deal. 


In case you still want to hear more about marketing strategies that boost your Amazon sales, why not have a look at an Amazon marketing agency like Olifant Digital? Not only will you get customized advice for your business, but you also get to work alongside professionals that promise to make every dime of your investment worthwhile.


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