Technology Will Not Replace Teachers, but will Make them More Important


Because educational technologies allow for increased systematicity, purposefulness, efficiency, and effectiveness in the institution’s operations, the level of application of the technological approach is one of the most significant factors that determine the competitiveness and reputation of an educational institution. The kids’ interest in learning is growing stronger thanks to the assistance of educational technology, and the usefulness of the information they take in is being scrutinized more rigorously. 

It should come as no surprise that a technological approach is the more effective one. Many educators struggle to put it into practice for a variety of different reasons. As a result of the lack of a universally accepted definition for the terms “method,” “methodology,” and the like, pedagogical professionals have an unclear understanding of the fundamentals of the technological approach, which is exemplified by their use of educational technology and other forms of pedagogical technology. Second, there is still a lack of clarity on the rationale for the necessary educational technologies. A good illustration of this would be the fact that educational practice does not support the guarantee of a particular outcome. There is no piece of technology available at this time that can ensure academic achievement for every kid enrolled in a given institution, as a lot of technologies, like being able to order a custom term paper for college may disturb a realistic view of students’ performance. 

Educational technology lacks implementation without diagnostic methods, which is a basic requirement. In most situations, descriptions of instructional technology do not provide diagnostic measures to verify if a program’s results match its goals. Despite the expanding use of technology in education, computer programs to evaluate children’s academic ability are rare. As a side note, present educational technologies do not effectively educate students to meet professional and personal issues or to succeed in activities that match their interests and requirements. 

Learning is not a place, but an activity

The realization that 1.5 billion youngsters of school-age were unable to attend courses owing to budgetary restrictions shook the foundations of our global community. It is possible to conclude from this experience that learning does not take place in a certain location but rather in the act of doing. In the future, there will be a greater need for collaboration between education and technological advancements. 

Even if digital technologies have brought about a revolution in education, they have not yet managed to eradicate the need for the social contacts that were traditionally provided by schools. There is a significant association between the socioeconomic gap in educational achievement and the availability and quality of the online materials that may be found on the internet. 

Some students can learn effectively when having parents who are encouraging, and who have convenient access to digital resources. It’s conceivable that they thought it was quite exciting. This issue was especially challenging for children who were constantly being spoon-fed information by their teachers, who did not have parents who could assist them, and students who in general disliked going to school.

New literacy

During the preceding two decades, there have been a lot of technological developments. Reading in the year 2000 was mostly done through pre-made resources, such as books, printed linear text, and other pre-made items. When we were at a loss for answers and couldn’t figure anything out on our own, this was the resource that we turned to. Because of this, they were able to put their faith in it. When we put a question into Google, the search engine immediately provides us with more than a million different answers to choose from. Nobody knows the correct response to this question. Reading and writing are no longer the only requirements for someone to be considered literate. The objective is to create a more comprehensive whole. 

Because of advances in areas such as robots, biogenetics, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, we have been compelled to consider what it is about being human that sets us apart from other species. When compared to the advances achieved in technology, the majority of educational systems have not made nearly as much development. Only one kid out of every ten can differentiate between facts and opinions with any degree of precision. This is a significant increase from the seven percent recorded in the year 2000, but a great deal has transpired around the globe since then. 

This does not imply that all countries, like Portugal and Poland, have been able to achieve as much progress in their modernization efforts as Singapore and Estonia, amongst other countries. Peru and Albania are making substantial headway despite their relatively low levels of development. On the other hand, the level of education received in Turkey and Brazil has not improved at the same pace. On the other hand, they were successful in significantly increasing the number of folks who had access to it.

What will help to develop education?

Some people believe that education is nothing more than an investment of both time and money. However, there is a huge degree of variation in the amount of time that students in different countries spend on their academic pursuits. 

Students in the United Arab Emirates, for instance, put in an annual average of roughly sixty hours of study time, which accounts for both time spent on homework and private tutoring sessions. In Finland, the process is completed in 37 hours, which is significantly shorter than the amount of time that students in the United Arab Emirates spend on it. How many different permutations and combinations are there? 

How technology will change education

When we look at the education sector in comparison to the health care industry, we observe that technology does not truly dominate, but is beginning to appear. Digital learning receives very little of the education budget. 

However, a considerable way remains to be traveled. OECD nations are expected to invest more in educational technologies by 2025. In any case, even a meager 4.5% represents a large sum by any standard. The pace of technological advancement is breaking records. In what should we put our money? In a virtual world, These days, there are a plethora of options for blended learning. In the virtual laboratory, you may do anything yourself without having to wait for the teacher to explain it. Some artificial intelligence-based learning environments are also outstanding. 

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education has the potential to improve student outcomes while also allowing for greater scalability. However, this does not supplant educators; rather, it elevates their status. Artificial intelligence is not a mystical force. It’s all one big accelerator or amplifier. It has the potential to perpetuate both good and negative habits.

Everything is in the hands of the teacher

We can learn more about how different pupils learn with the use of artificial intelligence. Teachers are in charge of everything. Teachers’ responsibilities have evolved beyond only disseminating information to including serving as mentors, facilitators, and assessors. Teachers are under great strain as a result of the increased use of technology in the classroom. 

In the first place, it is important to tailor learning to the individual student. We can customize learning materials for each learner. Adapt learning to the requirements of pupils by making it more in-depth and personalized. Because of the wide range of learning styles among students, technology may be an effective teaching tool. 

The PISA test requires students to simply click the boxes next to the text. Virtual reality evaluations are now possible. In the medical sector, there are several examples of this. In a virtual environment, we may observe and evaluate the performance of young individuals. Evaluation of machines is also progressing. Reading and evaluating texts is already possible with computers.


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