How Food Supplements Work

How Food Supplements Work
How Food Supplements Work

Food supplements are not a substitute for healthy eating, but at some points in our lives, such as pregnancy or old age, they can help us.

A healthy nutritionIt is the best way to ensure an optimal supply of vitamins and nutrients, but this does not prevent the supply of food supplements available on the market from being increasingly wide and varied. Knowing how they work and when they are necessary helps us to give them a proper use, always under medical supervision, and to avoid their unjustified consumption.

What are food supplements?

Food or dietary supplements like Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, as their name indicates, are products created to complement food or diet, and among its ingredients contain minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids and amino acids .

They are not medicines, so they cannot be used as such, although sometimes they are marketed with erroneous indications to relieve symptoms or cure diseases. Nor can they be considered a substitute for conventional foods, their objective is to provide nutrients that at specific times or due to special circumstances, are not being consumed in sufficient quantities.

They exist in various formats: capsules, pearls, liquids, powders, pills or tablets. All include information on the recommended daily dose, as well as contraindications, if any.

Are they really effective?

On its effectiveness, in a review of 1500 studiesThe most popular dietary supplements were classified according to the scientific evidence of their results , from very high to nonexistent. Among them, some such as folic acid for pregnant women, or calcium to help reduce blood pressure, have shown high scientific evidence that supports its benefits, but others such as fish oil and its contribution of Omega 3 for general well-being have very low evidence.

That a product is very fashionable does not always guarantee that it has any proven utility, and if it does, not all supplements work the same for everyone, so they must always be indicated by a doctor, either primary care, endocrine or the specialist who is treating us.

Food supplements for pregnant women

The deficit of folic acid (vitamin B9) during pregnancy is associated with developmental problems in the fetus and increased risk of neural tube defects, so the increased consumption is recommended by certain foods and in the form of supplements, before and after conception.

He also considers that iron supplements of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules could be advisable, to prevent iron deficiency anemia, and iodine supplements for a correct brain development of the baby.

Food supplements for the elderly

The third age is a stage of our life in which we must pay more attention, taking great care of nutrition. Lack of appetite, less absorption of vitamins and nutrients , or taking some medications, may make us need the help of a food supplement to supplement the diet.

Most vitamins and minerals depend on the digestive enzymes working correctly for their full use, something that is lost with age. This occurs, for example, with vitamin B12 , related tobrain protection and with a reduced risk of depression or dementia.

Food supplements for vegetarians

Vitamin B12 is found only in foods of animal origin, so it is also recommended for people who follow a vegetarian food or vegan.

If neither milk nor eggs are consumed, it is necessary to assess whether an extra contribution of iron or calcium is necessary , although in general it is possible to cover the optimal quotas through foods such as legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables green leaf or broccoli.

In addition to the cases just mentioned, dietary supplements can be beneficial during menopause, when playing high-performance sports, or when suffering from a stomach or intestinal disorder that prevents the proper absorption of nutrients.

Always under medical supervision

Although many times they are advertised as something natural and not about drugs, food supplements taken in excess or in the wrong way can harm our health. More quantity does not mean more benefits, on the contrary.

The situations of greatest risk occur during pregnancy or during an illness, if we are taking medication, before or after a surgical operation or if we combine several supplements. But at any time the consequences of poor administration can be serious, so it is essential to have medical supervision when taking supplements and not exceed the recommended dose.

Dietitians-nutritionists can also help us modify our habits for healthier ones, with which we can get the vitamins and minerals we need through what we eat every day.


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