The Benefits of Social Media Branding

Social Media Branding
Social Media Branding

With the presence of more than 3 billion people on social media, your business must consult with reputed social media branding companies for the vertical growth of your business. This writing piece will address some of the critical points about dealing with social media branding. 

Communication in times of crisis

When a Philadelphia Starbucks store had an incident where two black men were arrested, the hashtag #BoycottStarbucks became viral at a jet-propelled speed. The hashtag for this arrest was utilized more than 100,000 times within a span of just three days. That is officially a crisis.

After tendering the unconditional apology via social media, the company adhered to many more statements on social media and proclaimed that it would remain close to all of its stores for a day of racial-skewed training. It remains to be observed what the long-term effects or consequences of this incident will be for the Starbucks brand, but the ramification would almost certainly be worse if the company had not responded swiftly and professionally with the effective tool of social media.

Here is the obvious question: does your business organization has an effective plan to deal with such a crisis? While smaller businesses may not have a crisis to blow up to such an extensive level, a lower number of shares can have a devastating influence within a tight-knit community or niche.

Silence can never be an answer when it comes to addressing crises on social media. Maintaining well-oiled and effectively managed social accounts and charting out a plan in place can help ensure that you’re present and ready every time to tackle in the eventuality of a crisis or issue.

Engaging Your Customers and Audience

Social networks unfold an opportunity to interact directly with customers and fans and likewise allow them to communicate directly with your brand. Unlike conventional media, which offers only one-way communication, social media is two-way traffic.

If you are keen that your customers and followers are to be engaged, you have to be grossly involved in yourself. You should stay active and answer comments and questions on your own social media posts in such a way that it deems suitable for your brand.

You can effectively use social media reviews to keep a close eye on what the consumers of social media are saying across the social web.

Effective Customer Service Armed with Painless Customer Support 

The social media consumers anticipate the brands to be available on social media and seek out their social accounts for the service of the customer. Research shown in the Harvard Business Review exposes that brands who don’t fulfill those expectations damage their bottom line.

The HBR research, which looks explicitly at Tweets,  reveals that customers who get a response to their Tweet would be keen to spend more with the brand on a later purchasing decision, especially if they receive a response within a few minutes. This is true even when the initial Tweet was a flat-out complaint.

Keeping A Vigil On The Conversations That Are Pertinent To Your Business

It is mentioned that monitoring social media above as an essential element of audience engagement. But it’s also important as a critical source of intelligence about your brand, your rivals, and your niche.

Social media creates a massive amount of data about your customers in real-time. That information can be used effectively to come up with smarter business decisions.

All of the major social networks unpack analytics that caters to demographic information about the people talking to your account. This is helpful for you to chalk down your strategy to better talk to your real audience.

Effective social media branding companies have designed guides on how to effectively use analytics on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. Thus, there is no room to offer any excuse that you don’t know about your prospective customers as well as social followers. 


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