Expert Tips for Making Effective Revision Notes


Preparing for any particular subject or examination can be a bit stressful. You will often find yourself lost in the vast syllabus or find it difficult to keep track of already studied/learned topics and questions. These problems will only slow your preparation and lower your confidence. You can handle these problems and better your preparation by maintaining revision notes. Though, it is easier said than done. You have to follow certain steps to make a proper revision note, you have to make your revision notes in such a way that you can cover most of the important topics by going through them. To make proper revision notes you can follow the following expert tips. These expert tips can be adjusted and improved according to your circumstances and guarantee that you will be able to make proper revision notes by following them.

The expert tips are as follows:

Study According to Your Style and Use it for Preparing Revision Notes

Every student has their studying and learning styles, you should focus on yours and try to prepare. You can be a quick learner and find topics and questions easier to remember but find that you cannot remember them for a longer period. You can take advantage of this situation and make revision notes in your own words for the topics that you just learned. Write the notes in simple and short form and try to use the keywords if present. You will find that after learning, going through these notes help you to remember the concepts and topics. If you forget certain topics, you can just go through them. Some students may be good at memorizing chapters; they can also use the revision notes for better understanding. Thus, the main point is that you should try to make revision notes according to your style of studying. Use small hints here and there in the revision notes to help you recall certain points related to the concepts or topics.

Maintain a Proper Structure

You have to maintain different revision notes for different subjects, you also have to maintain separate revision notes for questions. Maintaining all these notes may seem difficult if you do not make revisions notes in a proper structure. Structured revision notes will allow you to revise faster and go through certain topics. You have to make your revision notes as compact as possible. You have to understand the topics and write them briefly in your revision notes. You can also use small abbreviations or examples to write bigger topics. Separate the chapters in your revision notes using markers to highlight formulas and equations that will help you while you revise or prepare. Some students tend to write all the information in their revision notes and then find it difficult to study it later, revision notes are made in such a way that while you go through them you can revise the important topics, recall important points, check and revise the formulas, etc. You can make tables and separate certain topics, draw diagrams and graphs and label them, etc. Thus, maintaining the proper structure of the revision notes can help you better your preparation and you can make proper revision notes.

Upgrade your Revision Notes

This is one of the most important expert tips that all students must follow. Daily updating your revision notes is a vital thing and you must always put effort towards it. Ways by which you can upgrade your revision notes are as follows:

  • Daily upgrade means daily study, you have to go through your revision notes daily and check for any possible improvements. You can add formulas or examples for some of the topics and it will help you understand the topics better. 
  • You can shorten the topics with daily revision and write a brief explanation about them. 
  • Daily small changes will help your revision notes better and easier to go through, this will help during the final preparation.
  • While revising highlight points, formulas, and equations.
  • Add new information in a small way, and recommend that you write it in two-three lines.

Revision Notes for Maths

Maintaining revision notes for maths is very important. Some tips that students can use to make proper maths revision notes are as follows:

  • Before writing about any chapter in your revision notes you have to write all the formulas from that chapter at first, this will help you to revise faster and better. You will be able to revise maths chapters more confidently.
  • Use examples to explain difficult concepts and theorems.
  • Questions from each exercise must be solved in your revision notes. If you want you can maintain a separate note for answering the exercise questions.
  • Draw graphs and tables for maths questions.

Revision Notes for Biology

Revision notes for biology are important and students should make it. draw the diagrams and practice marking them. Practice the scientific names of certain plants and animals. Cell diagrams are an important question that you must practice. Plant cells and animal cells both should be practiced.

Revision Notes for Physics and Chemistry

Revision notes for physics and chemistry will help you to prepare properly and score well. Practice the chemical equations and reactions, learn the names of the elements and their properties. In physics, you can practice numerical and formulas.

Advantage of the Revision Notes

  • Revision notes are very handy and are most useful during the last preparation
  • Revision notes will help you prepare properly.
  • Revision notes help students practice and revise all the topics properly. You can also go through it in the last moments before the exam and feel confident about your preparation.
  • Revision notes are also used for checking the formulas and examples related to them.


Every student must make effective revision notes as it will help them prepare properly. Making and following revision notes daily will gradually improve you. Studying with revision notes will help you to keep track of the topics and chapters that you are studying. Thus, you can follow the above tips to make effective revision notes.


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