What are the aspects to keep in mind while studying class 12th Chemistry?


Class 10th is a phrase in a student life where he or she becomes more assertive and focused towards their career.  Up to 10th grade they had learnt about a variety of topics. But after 10th grade the student focuses on the subjects he or she is interested in and sees his or her future in. For this purpose CBSE offers three different streams for the students and students can choose the most suitable stream for them according to their interest. The three streams are Science, Commerce and Humanities. All the three streams have many job opportunities but choosing the right broadcast where students are interested should be a priority.

Out of all the three streams, Science is the most popular stream which students try to take after 10th as it has the most popular and desirable career options nationally and internationally. There are a number of career options available after following the Science 11-12 broadcast. However, the courses are also very challenging and  require a lot of effort. The two main options that science stream offers are Medical and Non-medical. Students can choose their option as per their choice. For instance if a student is interested in becoming a doctor then he or she should shoot for a Medical option. 

But according to the previous results, it is observed that the students from both the Medical and Non medical stream face a lot of trouble in Chemistry subject specially in class 12th. Basically Chemistry is the science of story and evolution. It is a very specialized subject as it cares and talks about the structure, behaviour, composition and properties of matter and also the changes that take place during chemical reactions. 

It is seen that students of class 12th face more trouble in Chemistry subject than students of grade 11th. Though it’s quite obvious because as we promote from one class to another, the toughness and the importance of the subject slightly increase . The reason for this is the change in syllabus, the syllabus level increases with the up gradation of the class. CBSE class 12th chemistry syllabus is far more as compared to class 11th chemistry syllabus. 

CBSE class 12th chemistry syllabus consists of three portions:

* Physical Chemistry 

* Organic Chemistry

* Inorganic Chemistry 

The Do’s and Don’ts one should keep in mind while studying for class 12th chemistry throughout the year.


* Do your preparation strictly from NCERT textbook. NCERT textbooks are highly recommended and are considered best for board examination purposes.

* Do manage your time in such a way that each and every chapter is covered up properly.

* Do make short notes as it will help you for better understanding. 

* Do focus on keywords from each and every chapter. 

* Do as many questions as possible. Studying and evaluating a variety of questions will help you to score higher.

* Do practice questions in writing. While doing this you will remember your mistakes and won’t repeat them in the final exam. 

* Do have a command on your writing speed which is only possible by practicing the subject in written format.

* Do an ample number of sample papers throughout the year. 

* Do a mock test everyday and prefer to check it yourself because while checking questions yourself you will remember the mistake you made and would avoid making it at the time of final exams.

* Do practice all the necessary diagrams, flow charts everyday.

* Do practice numericals of physical chemistry on a regular basis so that you would have the command of them at the time of the main exam.

* Do look after questions that are being repeated from past few years. 


* Do not rush through a number of refreshers and guides as it will lead to chaos and confusion. 

* Do not leave any chapter unread. The size of the chapters in Chemistry is such that most chapters have almost the same weight.

* Do not ignore Exemplar as it has been a source of amazing questions that can help a student to prepare well for your CBSE Class 12 Chemistry board exams. 

* Do not prepare for chemistry subjects orally. Students usually feel lethargic while practicing questions in writing. So, avoid your laziness and practice your questions in written format. 

* Do not try to just mug up all the concepts. Avoid rote learning. 

* Do not rush through the material and do not try to memorize the concepts and ideas in fact try to understand it.

* Do not skip any concept, formula or theory. 

* Do not avoid practicing numericals. In fact do at-least ten to fifteen numericals on a regular basis. 

Instill these do’s and don’ts in your heart to score a handsome percentage in boards examination. 

Now let’s discuss some of the Important Tips that are required apart from CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus before giving class 12th chemistry board examination. 

* The most important aspect before giving not only chemistry but any exam is to keep your mind fresh.

* Try to do meditation or yoga just for a few minutes especially in the final days of preparations because it will help to rejuvenate the mind and will keep your body and health fit. 

* Your mind should not be indulged with any kind of negativity. 

* Avoid overthinking any kind of situation before the exam. 

* Have proper sound sleep before the examination so that you can have full concentration on the question sheet. 

* Practice filling the OMR sheet at home so that you don’t have to waste time and to avoid making mistakes on the day of final examination.

* Have a proper breakfast before leaving the house for the examination centre. Because your mind stops working when your stomach is empty. 

* Reach the examination hall on time.

* Do not lose confidence and have full faith in yourself before giving the exam. 

Perhaps, no subject is tough. One needs to just have proper understanding of the required subject so that he or she has proper command of it. Students are just expected to follow a much-needed strategy and study carefully for their examination so that they can score highest marks and become scholars of their school and make their family and teachers proud.


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