The Computer Equipment You Need to Stream Your Next Fishing Trip

Computer Equipment

There was a time when streaming online was reserved for people who wanted to show off their gaming skills or keep viewers entertained with their own unique personalities as they played different games on platforms like Twitch. These days, lifestyle streamers are becoming more common. They hit that ‘go live’ button to bring viewers a taste of their hobbies of any kind, from painting to making and even fishing trips. If you’re an avid fisherman and you’re looking to showcase your trips to potential viewers, here’s a list of what you’ll need to pack on your next trip.

The Computer Itself

The computer itself might be the most challenging part of streaming a fishing trip, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Many manufacturers offer low power, portable, and smaller form factor PCs, and with the increase in the availability of battery backup and inverter technology, even full power rigs are possible. Manufacturers are also making PCs for streaming available easier too, by creating systems set up for streaming out the box like these Lenovo PCs for Streaming.

A Good Connection

You’ll need a great quality internet connection for your stream, and since you’re going to be away from your home Wi-Fi, this will probably mean some form of mobile connection and device. You should test the connection before you leave on your trip to make sure that it has a fast and consistent upload speed to support streaming, and also investigate if it has sufficient coverage at your destination location.

A Quality Camera

Your viewers are going to want to see what you’re doing and what you catch in detail, and this means you’ll need a camera suitable and capable of producing a great quality broadcast directly to the PC or system you’re using to stream from. Some people make use of high-end webcams while others use DSL cameras that are capable of producing a constant stream of video. The camera is the window into your world, so make sure it can provide your viewers with everything they need to see what you’re doing and experience it as it was intended to be experienced.

A Suitable Microphone

Sound is another hurdle you’ll need to cross for streaming. For lifestyle streams like fishing, you’ll probably have your hands full, and you’ll be around water, so the choice is more complex than usual. The best choice for this is probably a good quality lavalier microphone that you can pin to your shirt and use without hands to catch your voice and what you’re saying in clear, intelligible audio for broadcast along with your video. Don’t skimp on the cost of your microphone, as it’s one of the things that will make viewers quickly tune out if you’re sound isn’t good.

Giving viewers experiences outside the normal expected ones on streaming platforms that have been dominated for a long time by one thing is something the internet audience is welcoming with open arms across both desktop and mobile streaming apps. Get involved and show the world what your fishing trips entail!


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