Calander Principles, Tricks, and Questions

Calander Principles Tricks and Questions
Calander Principles Tricks and Questions

First Day and Last Day of the Year

1. In an ordinary year, the first day of the year and the last day are the same, as on 1 January 2007, Tuesday. So it will be Tuesday on 31 December 2007 also.

If you want to know the formula of how many weeks in a year then do check out this article.

2. In a leap year, the last day of the year is 1 day larger than the first day of the year, as if it was Thursday on 1 January 2004, it would be Friday on 31 December 2004.

The same date for next year or the previous year of the same month

When the same date and month are given and the year is more or less, then from February of the normal year our answer will change from 1 day to leap year, from February our answer will change from two days.

Note: – In any normal year, the calendar grows 6 days till the month of June.

The calendar grows 0 days in any leap year.

Important questions of the Calendar and their Solutions

Q.1 The first Independence Day which was celebrated on August 15, 1947, was the day of the week.

A. Friday

B. Sunday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

Solution: – According to the question,

15 August 1947 = 1946 years + 7 months + 15 days

Total number of odd days in 1946 years –

Number of odd days in 1600 years = 0

Number of odd days in 300 years = 1

Hence the total number of odd days = (+1) days in 1900 years is extra.

In 46 years – 35 ordinary years + 11 will be on the leap.

46 + 11 = 57

So there are 7 days in a week so dividing by 7

57/7 (+1) days are additional.

Following are the number of odd days for the month –

Current year = January + February + March + April + May + June + July + August

January – 31/7 = 3 additional days

February – (28/7) = 0 additional days

March – 31/7 = 3 additional days

April – 30/7 = 2 additional days

May – 31/7 = 3 additional days

June 30/7 = 2 additional days

July – 31/7 = 3 additional days

Aug-31/7 = 3 additional days

Total odd days = 3 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 15

31/7 = (+3) days are extra.

Total additional days = 1 + 1 + 3 = 5 (Friday)

Ans. Friday

Q. 2 The first Republic Day was celebrated in January 1950, which day of the week was it?

A. Friday

B. Thursday

C. Wednesday

D. Tuesday

Solution: – According to the question,

26 January 1950 = 1949 years + 26 days

Total number of odd days in 1946 years –

Number of odd days in 1600 years = 0

Number of odd days in 300 years = 1

Hence the total number of odd days = (+1) days in 1900 years is extra.

In 49 years – 37 ordinary years will be on + 12 leaps.

49 + 12 = 61

So there are 7 days in a week so dividing by 7

61/7 (+5) days are additional.

Following are the number of odd days for the month –

Current year = 26 January

Total odd days

26/7 = (+5) days are extra.

Total additional days = 1 + 5 + 5

11/7 (+4) days are additional. (Thursday)

Ans. Thursday.

Q.3 What day of the week will be on 12 January 1863.

A. Friday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Monday

Solution: – According to the question,

12 January 1863 = 1800 years + 7 months + 12 days

Total number of odd days in 1863 years –

The number of odd days in 1800 years = (+3) days is extra.

In 62 years – 47 ordinary years + 15 will be on leap.

62 + 15 = 77

So there are 7 days in a week so dividing by 7

77/7 (0) days are extra.

Following are the number of odd days for the month –

Current year = 12 January

12/7 (+5) days are additional.

Total Extra Days = 3 + 0 + 5 = 8/7 (+1) Extra Days (Monday)

Ans. Monday.

Q.4 On which date would the first Monday lie in April 2007?

A. Sunday

B. Monday

C. Wednesday

D. Friday

Solution: – According to the question,

1 April 2007 = 2000 years + 6 months + 1 day

Number of odd days in 2000 years = (0) days are additional.

In 6 years – 5 ordinary years will be on + 1 leap.

6 + 1 = 7

So there are 7 days in a week so dividing by 7

7/7 (0) days are extra.

Following are the number of odd days for the month –

Current year = January + February + March + April

January – 31/7 = 3 additional days

February – (28/7) = 0 additional days

March – 31/7 = 3 additional days

April 1st

Total odd days = 3 + 0 + 3 + 1

7/7 = (0) days are extra.

Total additional days = 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 (Sunday)

Ans. Sunday.

Q.5 If 15 September 2000 is a Friday, then what day will it be on 15 September 2001?

A. Friday

B. Sunday

C. Wednesday

D. Saturday

Solution: – According to the question,

Total number of days from September 15, 2000, to September 15, 2001, = 365

Since there are 7 days in a week

365/7 = 52 (1 day left)

Therefore, on September 15, 2001, the day after Friday will be Saturday.

Ans: – Saturday.

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So, these were some amazing calendar principles and questions.


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