5 Free Keyword Research Tools To Help Plan Your New Site

5 Free Keyword Research Tools To Help Plan Your New Site
5 Free Keyword Research Tools To Help Plan Your New Site

So, you are moving online with a mission and vision to expand your business globally over the web. That’s great. Only a few marketers prefer to take their conventional business online and set up a new limitless boundary for the business to flourish. And we are really glad to find you one among them.

To kick start your business online, what you need at the initial stage is a website that is packed with the advanced features and loaded with powerful content.

In digital marketing, the content has a very exciting role to play. It can either take the business to the topmost level or can even ruin the business to a wide extent. And all this is possible due to the use of relevant keywords. 

Even if you reach the ORM professionals for internet reputation repair, you will witness the importance of keywords there as well. From website development to content creation and reputation management, keywords literally have a great role to play! 

In this article, we have listed down a few free keyword research tools that can help the marketers in planning their new website and creating engaging content. Let’s talk about them in detail.

List of free keyword research tools that marketers usually prefer

  1. Google Keyword Planner: Google Keyword Planner has always been the primary choice for marketers to research keywords relevant to the brand. If you have an AdWords account, you can simply get access to this tool.
    Google Keyword Planner not just allows the users to bring out keywords straight from Google but it even draws a statistical report on average monthly searches, competition level, the average cost per click, and so on.

    But that’s not the exact reason why marketers highly preferred this tool. There is something more beyond this.

    The tool does provide a long list of suggestions that exactly fit the need. But it even showcases different synonyms and variations related to the keywords. If you need proper suggestions on primary keywords and secondary keywords, this free tool can be the best choice.  
  2. Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest is noted for its unlimited suggestions on keywords that have the power to beat Google Keyword Planner. Yes, you will be surprised to hear that the tool even brings out suggestions that are not available through Google Keyword Planner.

    Type in the keyword or the primary keyword and click the “suggest” button. You will be suggested with a long list of alphabetically and numerically arranged keywords with different variations. This organized approach helps users to find the exact match without missing out on any keyword listed.
  3. Soovle: Would you like to research on keywords exploring multiple channels and search engines? Soovle makes a perfect fit. This free tool provides suggestions that are not just based on Google but also on different search engines.

    Some popular sources from where Soovle generates keywords are Amazon, eBay, YouTube, Bing, Wikipedia, and many more where online searches are possible. You just need to enter your keyword and the results will be automatically updated.
  4. WordStream Keyword Tool: Another free tool that you must not forget is the WordStream Keyword Tool. It is an all-purpose tool where you can target several niches based on your keywords, get relevant suggestions, and combine the keywords to form new keywords.

    But there is a small downside. You can only have 30 searches for free. Later on, you need to register for WordStream Advisor to access the additional features.

    Would you like to set up your own niche? Don’t forget to use this tool for better results.
  5. Google Correlate: Google never upset its users and so it has emerged with another exciting tool named “Google Correlate”. Google Correlate is often overlooked, taking Google Keyword Planner as the primary and only tool for researching keywords. But friends, this particular tool is also responsible for generating a long list of keywords relevant to your products and brand.

    Apart from creating a list of keywords, you can even use this tool to find which keywords are searched together. This helps the users to make more new keywords by using permutation and combination.

    What you need to do is, enter the primary keyword in the search bar and sit back and relax. The tool will automatically correlate other keywords and build a new list for you. That’s why it is named “Correlate” and it is absolutely free.


Are you planning for a new website or a new business online? Your first step should be to have extensive research on keywords. Conduct market research to find what exactly your competitors are using as keywords and which particular phrases are highly used for searches. 

The tools mentioned above will certainly help you to serve your purpose. 

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