How can we select the best PDF converter for converting files?

Free Online PDF Converter
PDF Converter

There are so many PDF converters if we find them on the web. There can be so many reasons for converting a file into PDF format or vice versa. The main reason is the safety of the document, or sometimes it can be the attractive presentation of a document. With so many options of choosing a converter, you will also find so many features in them. Earlier, people have to travel for long distances, and after that, they will get a document signed. Still, with the pdf editor or converter, we can convert that particular document into PDF first and then put the e-sign option in it for the signatures of a person.

If you have ever had to put together a presentation or create something like an electronic business card, it means that you need to edit and modify PDF images. And while this sounds like the simplest task, using Adobe Acrobat or Photoshop can be quite difficult when there are few other tools available for editing. This article will provide two ways of how to edit PDF images without any software: an online tool and Microsoft Word alternatives. With these two simple methods, you will be able to make your presentations look professional and polished without any additional software for editing.

With so many options for choosing the best converter, a person will get confused while choosing the best one. You should learn some tips and consider them before choosing a converter. Let’s discuss some of them.

Variety of formats and their conversions

There are so many types of documents in windows or any kind of system. You should first check your requirement, which means that there should be all types of document conversion in that converter. Some of the common types of documents are word, excel, PowerPoint, TXT, etc. With the conversion of these documents, you should also check that there are options of the edit, rotate, unlock, e-sign, etc. should be there.

Works faster

With the converting skills of the converter, you also have to check the processing speed of the software as in the slow speed you will not get satisfaction, and it can also damage your files. Nobody is going to at for hours if the speed of the software is slow. If you are working with the software offline, then the speed will be dependent on your computer’s processor and on the software itself. But, if you are working on the online software, then you should check your connection and the size of the file. If your connection is slow, then you should compress the file so that its size will be decreased and you can convert it easily.

Most of the converters take seconds to convert smaller files and takes around 5 minutes for heavy files. 

Security of the software

Most of the people convert the files to PDF for security, and the security must be checked first before converting your file with any software. Nowadays, the updated version of all the converters is giving a new feature of password protecting your document. With the security of the document, you should also check the security of the software, either it is online or offline. You should check the automatic deletion of your files on the converter; generally, it should be no more than 24 hours. This should be done because sometimes the software is controlled by the hackers, and they can use your personal information wrongly. So, you should be careful of these things.

You should check that the website should be SSL encrypted, which will protect your data. Check the website’s security properly and after that take any decision related to the registration with that software as sometimes it found to be fraud also and you will lose your money with fake software. 

Compatible with your system

Before installing any software on your system, you should check that it is compatible with your system or not as some software won’t work properly in our systems and damages our files. If you are working offline, then you have to take care of it. If you are working online, then you need not to worry about the software as you just have to drag and drop the files only. 


Before starting with any converter, either it is online or offline, you have to check the price which they are asking to you. Most of the softwares will give you free trials before getting into the main version or the premium plans. You should go through the free trials first and then after taking any decision. In the premium versions, you will get unlimited tasking, bulk conversion, etc. Other of the things are also on you, your budget, and your affordability. If the software is demanding more than your budget, then you should look for another one as there are a number of them. 

User-friendly interface

User-friendly here means the convenience of the software which you will choose. A good converter will make the user satisfied with its services as your experience will be very delighted with the converter. The converter should work fast, and all the features and tools of the converter should work very smoothly. These little things make the software user-friendly, and you will feel very good while using them. 


Multitasking here means that the PDF converter should work properly along with the other running applications. This is because everyone is busy in today’s world and can’t stick themselves with just one task, they have to perform so much of them at a single time, and your software should work properly according to that. Some of the softwares also provide the facility of batch conversion, which means you can select so many files in one go and convert them with just one click. This not only lets you convert them, but you can also edit them at the same time and can change their formats.


Summing up all this, the PDF converter is worth a thing, and a person can invest in it blindly. But, before investing in anything, you should check the consequences and should know everything about the software you are going to choose. Some of the tips are also discussed above, which are a variety of formats and their conversions, works faster, the security of the software, compatible with your system, price, user-friendly interface, and multitasking. A person should consider them before taking any decision related to buying a converter as if we invest in something then we should know every other thing of it. 


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