Why sound engineering is a good career choice


We are so used to considering a mainstream career that we tend to disregard any other career options. When thinking about some job that keeps you on edge, one would say investigative journalism! That is the maximum extent one can think of, unfortunately! Well, there are a lot more opportunities and careers out there than just photography or content writing.

Sound engineering!

Imagine watching Steven Spielberg’s movie without any background sound or music. The classic – Jaws would seem dull and less thrilling when the shark attacks the boat. Sound is one of the most underrated departments in any content creation industry. It brings the feeling out of any person, while visuals only complement the overall experience.

What is sound engineering and where do I start?

Good question. Sound engineering is not just about editing different sounds or music but; it is more than that. It is a process of recording, manipulating, mixing and producing various pieces of audio. You will need technical skills to use the mechanical and digital equipment. A good place to explore various audio equipments available for excellent music is Gigasonic. You will get an idea of different audio equipments created by sound engineers there.

Many prestigious institutions and schools provide excellent courses (degree and or diploma) on sound engineering and mixing. I’d suggest you finish the course (though you feel unnecessary) as it will introduce you to the world of sound. Having background knowledge about sound adds value to your profession as a whole. Research about the best school available in your neighbourhood and get started!

What skill should I possess?

Apart from your zeal and passion, here are some you’d need.

  • Technical familiarity
  • Good knowledge about new technologies
  • Having a decent understanding of physics and mathematics
  • Ability to adapt to consistent changes
  • An ear for quality audio and music

As long as you are technically sound and want to grasp what companies have to offer, you don’t have to worry about anything.

Are there other professions related to sound and engineering?

Of course. Sound engineering is an umbrella to various branches. Here is the list that you might resonate with.

  • Sound recordist on the set or location
  • Radio sound engineer
  • Film / Game sound designer
  • Sound mixing engineer
  • Live sound engineer for live events
  • Studio engineer
  • Music / Electronic music producer

Every genre of media needs one sound guy to help them out with background sound or music.

What if I don’t want to go through school?

That’s okay too. Schooling is significant to get your basics right. But, if for any reason you don’t wish to attend school, that is fine too. When you look at history, many successful people didn’t necessarily go to school.

There are a lot of experts in the field who also provide you with the knowledge you need. Consider this as interning and learning while you work. Though, it might be a little more tricky to find one than usual. Thanks to the internet and its advances, we now have many apps that can help find contacts.

There are various email search tools online that can help you get the email contacts of the ones that you search. GetEmail.io is the most efficient tool that also comes with a chrome extension to your Linkedin account. So it becomes easier for you to get the professional email of the expert you’re looking for online.


Sound engineering is an adventure of its own. You will be required to invest an immense amount of time away from your family. It will test you hard. However, once you sail through this storm, there is no looking back. This profession is so rewarding that it will take you to places, quite literally!


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