A Closer Look at Feline Odontoclastic Resorption Lesions (FORLS) in Cats



Feline odontoclastic resorption lesions (FORLS) are common dental disorders in cats. Although the precise impetus of FORLS is nebulous, it is presumed to result from a blend of heredity, discoloration, and gingivitis. FORLS can engender ache and unease for the afflicted feline and culminate in more serious medical quandaries if neglected. Therefore, it is critical for animal guardians to be aware of the indications and markers of FORLS and to acquire veterinary assistance if their cat is exhibiting any of these signs.

What is FORLS?

Feline odontoclastic resorption lesions (FORLS) are cats’ most common form of dental disease. These lesions are caused by the activity of odontoclasts, cells that resorb or break down tooth structure. FORLS can affect any cat’s teeth, including molars, premolars, and canines. The lesions can be shallow or deep and can cause sensitivity, pain, and discomfort for the affected cat. In addition, cats with FORLS may also experience pain, sensitivity, and difficulty eating. If left untreated, FORLS can lead to other dental disorders, infections, and chronic pain and discomfort.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of FORLS can vary from cat to cat, but the most common signs include:

• Bad breath

• Drooling

• Loss of appetite

• Bleeding from the mouth

• Difficulty eating

• Loose teeth

• Excessive pawing at the mouth

• Visible lesions on the teeth


If your feline is manifesting any of the indicators mentioned above and manifestations, it is imperative to promptly transport them to a medical specialist.


Once a diagnosis of FORLS is made, the veterinarian will recommend a course of treatment. Therapeutic interventions may differ depending on the intensity of the lesions, but could comprise of:

• Antibiotics – to treat any underlying infections

• Pain medications – to help manage any pain and discomfort

• Dental extraction – if necessary, to remove teeth that are severely affected by FORLS

• Dental cleaning – to remove any plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth

• Dental sealants – to protect the teeth from further damage

• Dental crowns – to cover and protect any damaged teeth


Although the exact cause of FORLS is unknown, there are some steps that pet owners can take to help prevent the disease from occurring:

  1. Regular dental care and check-ups for your cat are important to help maintain healthy teeth and gums. In addition to regular dental care and check-ups, pet owners can also help prevent FORLS by ensuring their cat has a balanced diet and plenty of water. A healthy diet high in proteins, minerals, and vitamins can help keep the gums and teeth healthy and strong.
  2. Providing clean, fresh water can help flush away bacteria and plaque that could cause FORLS.
  3. Avoiding hard treats and toys that can cause tooth damage can also help to reduce the risk of FORLS.


Feline odontoclastic resorption lesions (FORLS) are common dental disorders in cats. These lesions can cause pain and discomfort for the affected cat and lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. Therefore, it is important for pet owners to be aware of the signs and symptoms of FORLS and to seek veterinary care if their cat is displaying any of these signs. Treatment choices differ by the intensity of the lesions. However, they can involve antibiotics, analgesics, tooth removal, dental hygiene, dental sealants, and dental caps. Additionally, regular dental care, check-ups, brushing, and dental treats can help reduce the risk of FORLS in cats.


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